Group of Company

Nejrabian International –
Turkmenistan (Turkmanbashi)

Nejrabian International Turkmenistan (Turkmanbashi) is a specialist company that buys fuel from the Government of Turkmenistan’s Birja- Turkmanbashi refinery. This fuel is then imported into Afghanistan and sold in the local market.

The company’s strategy is to capitalize on solid relationships with partners in both Turkmenistan and Afghanistan with the goal of facilitating distribution of petroleum products from the oil-rich Turkmenistan to the rapidly growing market of Afghanistan.

The petroleum distribution business is staffed by professional managers, technical experts and logistics specialists, who work together effectively and efficiently to achieve the company’s goals. All activities are carried out with strong emphasis on health, safety, environmental and social responsibility.

Company Projects

No. Contract / PO No. Customer Name POP
1 B-020659 The State Commodity Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan August 4, 2017 [ Purchase of A92 3000 Metric Tons of Gasoline
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